Logo Design
Get multiple custom designs made just for you from our community of professional designers.
– Fun and easy process — get dozens of logo options
– Work with the best — all designers vetted for quality
– Full ownership — digital and print-ready files
We assign a designer level of Entry Level, Mid Level, or Top Level based on designer skill using the following quality standards:
– Execution of design principles
– Conceptual thought
– Technical skills and deliverables
– Client communication and satisfaction
Design Department
Be exactly like…no one else! After focusing on learning everything about your business, we handcraft a custom experience from scratch, based on your specific inputs and needs.
Make sure that your website or e-shop features the tools and content you need to grow your organization, with a fully responsive design that can be perfectly viewed on any device.
Maintaining a particular sensitivity for visual aesthetics, we focus on UI best practices and on resolving interface structure through navigation and interaction design.
Design Department
Our Vision
Our vision is for Buddy to be included among the nation’s elite design and development businesses — to be known for the exceptional quality of our work; the quality of our team; being great people to work with; and operating with integrity, transparency, honesty, and decency.
Our “Why”
Because we want to show the world that you can be successful, and have a successful organization, by doing the right things: treating people well; empowering high performers to thrive; being honest, open, and collaborative; doing exceptional work; building an organization that we’re proud to be a part of.